Although you’re not actually in your own house, you feel the warmth of being at home. With the slight difference that here it is us who take care of your comfort. With the same dedication though, that we would care about our own home and family.
The day before your arrival the house that you chose for your stay is cleaned thoroughly. We see about everything being shiny and absolutely clean. Doors and windows open widely, so that the sea breeze can come in. The matrass you will sleep on is left out in the sun all day long before we put fresh sheets and bedcovers on it. Otherwise, Eirini wouldn’t agree to let you in. Before we close the door, we make sure one or two flowers from our garden adorn your vase. We also make sure that the basic provisions that suit your eating habits are in place and waiting for you.
The ship arrives at “Skala”. The road to the “Arhontika” rises alongside the beach, panoramic, picturesque, and very brief –all in all about 3 minutes. That’s actually more time than you need to feel the warmth character of the island. Our personel is waiting for you, taking care so that you accomodate in the house as comfortable as your request.
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